Venue: Exhibition Complex LENEXPO
Exhibition Sections:
- Up-to-date and traditional technologies of wooden houses building, ready houses "key-in-the-door"
- Structures and constructions from wood:
- windows, doors, stairs, baths, caunas
- Modern building materials of wood:
- boards OSB, beam LVL, glued wood
- Materials and means for protection of wooden house:
- varnishes, paints, mordants, fillers, antiseptics
- Architectural projecting, ready projects
- Roofing, heat and sound insulating materials
- Engineering systems and equipment for wooden house:
- heating, air conditioning, ventilation
- Materials for interior and exterior finishing
- Small architectural forms
- Wooden structures fastening elements
- Interiors decoration - indoor finishing and design
- New efficient building materials based on wood
- Safety equipment. Fire fighting systems
- Production of factory-built wooden houses
- Insurance
- Financial services
- Special sections:
- systems of ready solutions - IT-technologies for wooden houses
- cottage settlements
- NEW:
- environmentally fashionable building
- ecology development - safe technologies and materials