Venue: Picture Gallery "Metamorphoza"
Exhibition Sections:
- Building, technologies, materials, projects
- Architecture and city building activity
- Development of engineering and transport infrastructure
- Modern city
- Innovations in building and housing and public utilities
- Building industry:
- projects
- technologies
- equipment
- materials
- Individual houses building
- Building, facing, roofing, finishing, heat insulating materials, paints and varnishes
- Systems of heating, water supply, lighting, ventilation, air conditioning
- Sanitary gears
- Ecology. Wastes recycling. Information technologies in city facilities management
- Transport and road facilities
- Road building and municipal cleaning machines:
- machines for sidewalk cleaning
- dumptrucks
- cranes
- hoisting and conveying machines and mechanisms
- Engineering and service maintenance of roads
- Safety at building and maintenance of roads
- Projecting and technologies of building, reconstruction, repair, and maintenance of roads and bridges
- Quality diagnostics
- Automation, telemechanics, information technologies, and geoinformation systems for transport and road facilities
- Insurance of road facilities, machines, equipment
- Investment programmes and projects of devolopment of road networks in regions