Parking Russia - 2025
Parking Russia - 2025

Business Mordovia - 2013

Attention! The event is over.

18th Interregional Exhibition with International Participation

Date: 25.09.2013 - 27.09.2013 

City: Saransk - information about city


Topics: Agriculture, Food Industry, Business, Economics, Finances, Safety, Medicine and Health Care, Industrial Exhibitions, Society, Sport, Tourism, Hobbies and Entertainments


Venue: Mordoviaexpocentre

Exhibition Goals:

  1. Development of the specific tools of innovative development in line with the chosen strategic priorities
  2. Formation of an efficient mechanism of the state-private partnership for implementation of the large-scale investment projects, development of the interregional cooperation of innovative regions

Objectives of the exhibition:

  • Creation of a partner network for sharing of practical experience and strengthening of cooperation in the field of competitive growth, expansion of sales markets, counter promotion of the high-tech products and services
  • Development of the Russian lighting school, demonstration of the most momentous innovative projects in the field of lighting equipment and further promotion thereof, establishment and strengthening of the academic and business relations of the domestic enterprises and organizations with their foreign partners
  • Improvement of investment climate in the Republic of Mordovia, provision of the job creation terms, and strengthening of the brand of the Republic of Mordovia on the domestic and international markets
  • Presentation of investment projects and business plans to the potential investors

Exhibition Sections:

  • Tech park in the field of high technology
  • Energy-efficient lighting equipment and intelligent lighting control systems
  • Electrical and mechanical engineering
  • Transport and agricultural engineering
  • Transport, construction, housing and public utilities
  • 2018 Football World Cup - social infrastructure objects
  • Agro-industrial cluster
  • Motor industry
  • Information and communication technology, electronics
  • Medicine and pharmaceutics, biotechnology
  • Oil and gas processing and petrochemical industry
  • New materials
  • Production of flight vehicles and spacecrafts
  • Nuclear technology, radiation technology, super computer technology, laser technology
  • Ecology

Additional information:
