IC Card World - 2007

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9-th International Exhibition of Smart Cards and Technologies RFID

Date: 06.03.2007 - 09.03.2007 

City: Tokyo - information about city

Holder: Nihon Keizai Shimbun, Inc. (Nikkei)

Topic: Business, Economics, Finances, Safety


IC Card World 2007, is the only smart card exhibition in Japan.

Smart cards, which have gained recognition in Japan through consumer applications such as smart commuter pass and electronic money, are now also finding wider use in the public sector with residents basic registration cards being distributed. On the other hand, RFID tags, which are based on the same RFID technology as contactless smart cards, have started to find extensive application in the fields of retail and distribution. Smart cards and RFID tags have gained attention as devices for the coming ubiquitous computing society in Japan.

IC Card World is the only exhibition on smart card and RFID technology in Japan, organized since 1999 by Nihon Keizai Shimbun, Inc. This ninth IC Card World has been a radically expanded event, with reinforced exhibition, latest information-providing seminars and workshops and other special programs.

Exhibition Sections:

  • Smart cards Contactless cards, Contact-based cards, Combi-cards, Hybrid cards, SIM/UIM cards, Magnetic strip cards, Optical cards
  • RFID Technology tags, labels, RFID readers/writers
  • Machinery Readers/Writers, Printers, Manufacturing, Personalization, Encoders, Embossers, Counters, Mailing, Testing, Disposers, Vending machines, Point of sales terminals, Mobile terminals
  • Software Card operating systems, Card applications, Software, Cryptography, Authentication technology
  • Components IC chips, Memory chips, Antennas, Film, Holograms, Ribbons, Inks, Plastic materials
  • Applications Financial, Payment, Banking, Credit cards, Ticket, Transportation, Logistics, Retail, Loyalty, Point-of sales, Customer management, E-government, Education, Healthcare, Medical, Security, Biometrics, Access Control, Telecommunication, Wireless, E-commerce
  • Other Services Systems Integration, Promotion associations, Publications, Consulting

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