Venue: Irkutsk International Exhibition Complex "SibExpoCentre"
Exhibition Sections:
- Transport:
- transport corridors and interaction of different transport means in them
- railway transport
- river transport
- special transport means
- hoisting transport equipment, mechanization and automation means of freight handling and warehousing works
- machinery and equipment of railway stations, airports and ports
- machinery and equipment, new technologies for technical maintenance and transport repair
- management systems and means, automated and information systems
- transport safety, means for regulating and control
- transport (avia, railway, water, auto), transport and forwarding and security services
- logistics services, autosorting
- freight ensurance, freight security
- transport work organization, investment and ensurance system, banking services
- projecting, transport communications and constructions building
- Roads:
- roads and bridges constructing technologies
- roads constructing machinery, equipment, tools and materials for roads construction
- engineering systems in roads construction
- architecture, planning and reconstruction
- infrastructure, roadside service
- modern construction materials
- road signs and traffic safety
- leasing and ensurance
- Autosalon:
- novelties in motor-car industry: Russian and world brands of cars in Irkutsk city
- cars spare parts, equipment for car service stations
- tools for cars service and repair
- tyres, disks
- car electronics and electrical engineering
- parking
- car windscreens
- autochemistry
- refuelling complexes
- machinery
- clothes and accessories