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AUTOPROM Russia - 2014

Attention! The event is over.

International Specialized Exhibition and Conference

Date: 12.03.2014 - 14.03.2014 

City: Saint-Petersburg - information about city

Holder: RESTEC

Topic: Automobiles, Storage, Transport, Logistics and Transportation


Venue: Exhibition Complex LENEXPO

Pavilion № 7.

The exhibition and conference "AUTOPROM Russia" is held coincidently with the St. Petersburg Technical Fair, the largest congress and exhibition event of the industrial subject in the north-west.

It takes place in the largest industrial center in Russia, located near the Baltic ports and Western Europe, the most important traffic center in the country, the capital of the International Economic Forum and the International Legal Forum, one of leading Russian auto clusters.

170 Russian and foreign enterprises are going to take part in the event, including known OEM, OES companies, delegations of key Russian auto clusters, companies-producers of auto parts, materials, technical equipment and constructive software, higher education institutions, research institutes, specialized and the media.

"AUTOPROM Russia" is:

  • the only in Russia International specialized exhibition and conference dedicated to the subject of development of auto parts logistical tail, meant for all participants of the industry
  • the opportunity to cover related industrial markets

Exhibition Sections:

  • Metal and light-weight constructions, bulks
  • Вriving gear control, assembly, running gears
  • Electrics, electronics, mechanics
  • Plastic, rubber components, modules, chemical products
  • Paints and lacquers, other materials and technologies
  • Textile materials
  • Automotive glass
  • Logistics, production
  • Information technologies

Additional information:
