Venue: Moscow, Expocentre on Krasnaya Presnya, pavilion ¹7.
Exhibition Sections:
- General chemistry - ICA-CHEMBASE
- Chemical raw materials - ICA-RAWMAT
- Chemical industrial equipment - ICA-CHEM-EQUIP
- Agrochemistry - ICA-AGRO
- Plastic and it's processing - ICA-PLAST
- Paint and varnish materials - ICA-P&C
- Synthetic rubbers, rubber-technical products - ICA-RUBBER
- Chemical fibres - ICA-FIBRES
- Household chemical goods - ICA-HOUSE
- Chemical reactants - ICA-REA
- Chemical products for municipal economy - ICA-CHEM-CITY
- Environmental protection; recycling - ICA-ECO
- Logistic, specialized transport; packing - ICA-TRANS-UPAK
- Production safety means - ICA-SAFETY