Venue: "Bashkortostan" Exhibition Complex, Ufa, Mendeleyeva st., 158.
Exhibition Sections:
- Chemical industry raw materials
- Reagents, specially purified substances, catalizers, sorbents, pigments etc
- Chemical enterprises equipment
- Oil and gas industry equipment and devices
- Control and automatics facilities
- Gaging devices and metrological equipment
- Materials and production quality control analysing equipment
- Laboratory equipment and furniture, scales
- Organic synthesis production
- Сhemical and oil-chemical industry production
- Packing, storing
- Houdehold chemical goods
- Plastic industry
- Caoutchouc, rubber and production
- Synthetic resins, polymers
- Corrode protection facilities
- Modern biotechnologies
- Chemical production in construction (paintwork materials, pigments etc.)
- Environment protection technologies
- Uniform and personal protection facilities
- Energetic control and automatic devices
- Energy audit centres, diagnostics and heat engineering laboratories, labour protection departments and technological departments control equipment production
- Sensors and automatized management systems
- Energy-saving enterprises and orgaizations programs