Venue: Track and Fields Athletics Manege
Exhibition Sections:
- Equipment, complete technological lines and plants for oil processing and oil-and-gas industry, including those used for production of fuel and lubricants, essential organic synthesis products, solid hydrocarbons, synthetic rubber (tanks, heat exchanging, standard equipment, catalytical reforming, thermal decomposition, hydrofining plants, separators, drying equipment, vulcanizing apparatuses)
- Equipment, complete technological lines and plants for wood chemical industry, including those used for production of colophony, turpentine, acetic acid, acetate solvents, inhibitors (equipment for retort houses, rectifying plants)
- Equipment, complete technological lines and plants for coke and by-product process, including those used for production of coke, coke oven gas, coal-tar resin, benzol and other coking products (standard, heat exchanging equipment, plants for cleaning, flotation, flocculation)
- General industrial equipment:
- turboblowing
- pumping
- venting
- energy saving
- refrigerating
- warehousing
- pipelines and stop valves
- elevators
- conveyors
- electrical motors
- tools
- Control and measuring instruments and automation:
- relays
- analyzers
- sensors
- pneumatic automation
- control means
- Laboratory equipment, chemical utensils. Environment protection. Equipment and technologies for utilization and recycling of chemical production wastes. Chemical protection means
- Equipment, complete technological lines and plants for production of goods from chemical raw stuff, including those used for production artificial fabrics and leather, rubber goods, photochemical products, plastic and fiberglass products, household chemicals, perfumery, building and finishing materials (molding equipment, automatic molding machines, extrusion lines)