Exhibition Sections:
- Chemical products and materials for agriculture:
- mineral fertilizers
- chemical plants protection means
- artificial fodder
- fodder additives
- products and technologies for preservation and improvements of quality of agricultural products and animal industries
- Biocides
- Catalysts
- Paints
- Pigments
- Synthesis
- Peptides
- Photochemistry
- Reprographical chemicals
- Surfactants
- Chemicals for water processing
- Chemical products and materials for electronics, electrical engineering and instrument making:
- electro insulating polymeric materials
- varnishes of high thermostability
- materials for manufacturing cases of electronic and electrotechnical devices
- electronic chemicals
- water-preparation
- Chemical products and materials for perfumery-cosmetic industry, household chemical goods:
- raw materials
- sanitary-and-hygienic perfumery products
- decorative cosmetics
- synthetic washing and cleaners
- Pharmaceutical ingredients and compounds:
- synthetic medical preparations
- antibiotics
- vitamins, initial materials for their manufacture
- methods and equipment for quality control in medical products manufacture
- Equipment for chemical industry
- Means of automation
- Transporting and storage of chemical products
- Trade editions and professional associations
- Information technologies
- Software
- Consulting, financial and investing services