Venue: Russian Academy of Government Service under the President of the Russian Federation, 84, Vernadsky avenue, Moscow.
9th Workshop conference "Problems of city environment management".
Plenary session:
To the city of XXI century - the newest technologies of engineering systems,
new equipment for municipal economy
Section 1.
Effective management of municipal economy as a factor of stable cities
- Economical aspects of municipal economy management, aimed at the providing qualitative vital activity of the person in megapolis
- Roads in modern megapolis conditions: economical aspect, prospects of roads development, modern technologies in roads management and usage
- Alternative energy sorces development for city transport
- Power engineering of the big cities, heat supply - development prospects, new technologies in operation, energy saving, economics
- Water supply complex in megapolis: new technologies in water supply, sewerage systems, water drainage; resources saving technologies
- City accomplishment: saving of forest and parks complexes, greenery planting, landscape design and territory improving
- Lifts: economics and new technologies, safety
Section 2.
Cooperations of Russian regions in city economy and city environment management
- Regional particulars in Russian cities development programs realization
- Mechanisms and ways of cities interaction in management of city environment problems
Section 3.
Ecological safety of engineering systems in megapolis
- System technologies for waste handling in megapolis
- Environmentally clean technologies on waste recycling
- Safe vital activity support in megapolises with the use of the newest engineering technologies. Engineering structures operation (bridges, over- and underpasses)
- Modern technologies of city territory cleaning
Section 4.
Small scale business in municipal economy: residential and commercial housing
- Providing of goods and services for municipal economy
- Managerial companies
International specialized exhibition "Housing and utilities. Innovations".
Block 1.
- Economics in housing and utilities: system management and software; budjet financing, investments, grants, bank crediting and commercial constituent part
Block 2.
- Power supply in housing and utilities: alternative power for big and small cities
- Ehergy supply, energy saving technologies, heat supply
- Hydroeconomic complex in housing and utilities: water supply and drainage, sewerage, resources saving
- Accomplishment in housing and utilities: landscape projecting, greenery planting and design
- Lifts in housing and utilities: modern management and new safe models
- Small scale business in housing and utilities. Providing of goods and services for housing and utilities. Managerial companies
Block 3.
- Waste recycling in megapolis: new waste recycling technologies
Block 4.
- Safety in megapolis: front doors guarding, video observation, program "My yard, my staircase"
Block 5.
- Roads: new technologies for roads surface exploitation; cleaning machinery
- Alternative sources of energy for city transport development
Block 6.
- Mass media about reform in housing and utilities complex