Venue: Izhevsk, Kooperarivnaya str., 9, "Zdorovie". Exibition will held in the context of celebration The Date of the city
Exibiton sections:
Building technologies
- Technologies of repair
- Reconstruction of residential constructions with raising garret floors
- Defence the roofs from snow.
- New technologies in industry building materials, means and sistems for automation and mechanization processes of technology
Equipment ofr building, mechanisms for making buiding works
- Pneumatic equipment
- Pools
- Building and proffecional instruments
- Roofing materials and technique
Building constructions, materials, production
- Ventilating sistems, conditioning, lighting
- Enhineering sevices
- Wall panels, windows, doors, septa, Bricklayer's scaffold
- Wiring production
- Building materials: brick, stone, concrete, cement, slate, saw-timber, glass, paintwork material, insulants, polymeric materials
- Emerizing materials for external and internal works
- Equipment for sanitary engineering
Housing and communal services
- Polypropylene pipes, pipes with internal rust-preventing paint and fitting connectons
- Stop valve
- Common industrial pumps.
- Flowmeters, temperature probe, counters commercial calculation of the heat, gas, vapour, etc
- Municipal technique, special transport
- Urban transport
- Accomplishment of a city
Energy-saving technologies and equipment
Treatment and using waste of industry
Architectural engineering
- City's building up - low-rise and high
- Cottage's building
- Lanscape projection
- Benefits of realters
- Investment projects