IX Урало-Сибирский конгресс по эстетической медицине и профессиональная выставка косметики и оборудования - 2025
Промышленно-энергетический форум TNF - 2025

Climate-EkoTech - 2002

Attention! The event is over.

Exhibition of artificial microclimate systems, water treatment and environmental protection equipment.

Date: 05.04.2002 - 07.04.2002 

City: Odessa - information about city

Holder: Exhibitions Technologies Center

Topic: Building and real estate


Dear sirs!

An international exhibition-symposium Climate Echo Tech - 2002 holds on April 5 to 7, 2002 in the expocentre of Odessa marine terminal under motto "Create an atmosphere of comfort!" This is the only specialized exhibition in the South of Ukraine devoted to microclimate systems, conditioning, ventilation, water treatment and environmental protection equipment.

The problem of microclimate improvement in dwellings has become one of the most vital. It is connected hot only with the aggravation of the environment, pollution of water, insufficient ecological features of building and finishing materials, but also with a significant increase of demands to life-standards. Before, the systems of conditioning and of water treatment were articles of luxury, now they are a vital necessity for many people. The market of the microclimate systems has got prompt development last years. Today equipment and modern technologies have appeared that have replaced the idea of provision of comfortable conditions in rooms.

The aim of the exhibition is to determine the state and perspectives of developments in the market of microclimate systems in the South of Ukraine and to present new technologies and equipment for water treatment and environmental protection. "Center of exhibition technologies", which is the sponsor of the exhibition has 8-years experience of successful organization of exhibitions devoted to building problems, including the largest in Ukraine "Your home is Odessa" exhibition, now expands spectrum of specialized exhibitions. The organization of the exhibition in April is arranged for growing demand of microclimate systems at this particular time, this will help the participants of the exhibition in search of real customers and in realizations of long-term marketing programs.

We invite you, to arrange an exposition of your company in the exhibition "Climate Echo Tech - 2002".

The participation in the exhibition will not only strengthen positions of your firm in the market in the South of Ukraine, but also will become a perfect possibility to establish new contacts, to conduct effective marketing and advertising of your production and services in the beginning of a season.


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