Мясная промышленность. Куриный Король. Индустрия Холода для АПК / MAP Russia - 2025
Сибирская строительная неделя - 2025

Clinic Club - 2007

Attention! The event is over.

Exhibition - Presentation of Medical & Stomatological Centers, Diagnostic Laboratories, Clinics, Scientific, Sports and Fitness Centers, Cosmetology Clinics and Salons, Rehabilitation Centers

Date: 29.11.2007 - 01.12.2007 

City: Rostov-on-Don - information about city


Topic: Medicine and Health Care


Venue: MegaCenter "Horizont"

Exhibition Sections:

  • Salon "Medical Centers": exhibition- presentation of medical centers of Southern Federal Region, of specialized departments of scientific centers, clinics and diagnostic laboratories
  • Salon "Stomatological Clinics": exposures of clinics and stomatological rooms, which will present the most contemporary methods of treatment,prosthetics and artistic restoration of teeth
  • Salon "Treatment and Recreation Abroad": exclusive offers of world clinics, health-improvement centers, rehabilitation centers, "Health Council of Europe" clinics
  • Salon "The Best Health Centres of Russia": sanitation and health complexes; advanced technologies of treatment and services; popular health resorts
  • Salon "Health and Sport": fitness-centers, sports centers and clubs, section, trainers, equipment; sports clothes and foot-wear; all kinds of sports equipment, specialized literature,food supplements; all kinds of accessories; medical and sanitary services, etc.
  • Salon "Mother and Child": midwifery and gynecology; maternity hospitals; safety of child equipment; baby food; means of hygiene for children and mothers; toys and developing games, psychological centers, consultations
  • Salon "Cosmetology and Aesthetic Medicine" : cosmetology salons; professional solaria; cosmetological chemistry: raw material and ingredients used in cosmetology; chemical pilling

Additional information:
