Venue: Izhevsk, Kooperativnaya str., 9, "Zdorovie". Exibition's object:
Help for satiation of the market of Udmurtskaya Republic highquality packing materials and equipment
Establishment of a new buisiness contacts enterprises-participants of exibition with producers of Udmurtskaja Republic and regions of Russia
Demonstration of the attainments in sphere of package, wrapping and eguipment
Exibition sections:
- Raw materials for making package and wrapping
- Equipment for making package
- Equipment for packing, corking, lines of bdttlings
- Production of diposaple package and crockery
- Label production
- Technologies, equipment and materials for making label production
- Label and marking machines
- Design and setting in a package, label production
- Equipment for making and treatment of foodstuff
- Equipment mor market and refrigerating
- Foodservice.
- Equipment for shops, bars, kafe,,restaurants.
- Shopping malls.