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Regions of Russia: protection from contrafackt - 2003

Attention! The event is over.

The first All-Russia forum - exhibition

Date: 19.05.2003 - 22.05.2003 

City: Moscow - information about city

Holder: VDENH-Expo

Topics: Business, Economics, Finances, Safety, Information Technologies and Communications


In accordance with the directions of the Russian Federation government 596-p (15.04.99) and №896-p (28.06.02) "VDENH-Expo" company regularly spends exhibitions - fair "Regions of Russia", in which the significant number of firms, organizations and establishments takes part.

According to the propositions of the Heads of the regional executive power of the Russian Federation and regional manufacturers the "VDENH-Expo" company has begun preparation of the First All-Russia exhibition - forum " Regions of Russia: protection from counterfeit", which will be conducted by May 19-22, 2003 in Moscow in All-Russia exhibition center (VDENH) in pavilion №20.

It is known, that production and the realization (sale) of counterfeit and falsified production now has turned to one of the most profitable sorts of criminal business.

It causes the large alarm and concern as for the manufacturers which the sizeable damages because of a unfair competition, and for millions Russian citizens who consuming falsified production and endanger their health and life.

The federal budget receives less tens billions of rubbles, because the counterfeit goods make a significant part of a shadow circulation of the market.

The problem of struggle with counterfeit and falsified production has the direct ratio to economic safety of the country.

This question especially acutely because the forthcoming annexation of Russia to the World Trade organization.

Our consultations with the interested ministries, departments, establishments, manufacturers and organizations testify to topicality of the forthcoming exhibition - forum.

The proposal about realization of this measure is supported by special solution of Security committee by the State duma of the Federal assembly of the Russian Federation (RF), Ministry of economic development and trade of the Russian Federation, Ministry of culture of the Russian Federation, Ministry of industry, science and technologies of the Russian Federation, Federal service of tax police of the Russian Federation, Russian patents and trade marks agency, National fund of protection of customers, Coalition of International protection of the copyrights (CIPR) and other organizations.

For the first time the measure of similar character take place in Russian Federation. The involvement of the largest Russian manufacturers of the goods and carrying on foreign corporations that work in the Russian market is planned.

The main purpose of "Regions of Russia: protection from counterfeit" exhibition - forum - engaging of public attention, bodies of all branches of authority and levels to problem of protection of the rights of the manufacturers of the goods both market from falsified and poor-quality production. And also assistance in creation of the national policy in sphere of quality control of the goods, services and system of struggle with counterfeit. Plus progress certificated, license and qualitative production on the internal and external markets.

The program of the forum includes:

  • theoretical part - conference on discussion of problems of protection Russian consumer market from counterfeit, falsified, dangerous and poor-quality production: discussions, "round desktops", press conferences, presentations etc.
  • organization of the exhibition " Regions of Russia: protection from counterfeit" with visual demonstrating of the best samples of genuine, qualitative, license and certificated production of the domestic and foreign manufacturers of the goods, and also methods of protection from falsification.

Contents of the main sections of the exhibition expositions:

  • Copyrights and closely-related rights, insurance; computers, software, domestic appliances; audio and video production; stationery and expenses materials; foodstuffs, alcoholic beverages and soft drinks, beer, tobacco products; biologically active substances, no medical and health products; medicine, preparations and hygienic products; perfume and cosmetic goods; chemicals; clothes, footwear, sport goods, cottage and handicraft industry, souvenirs, crockery, Russian and foreign furniture; fine art works; polygraph goods; Russian and foreign car spares, oil- and petrol- products, car make-up; jewelry and antique; securities; pet food, means and methods of counterfeit protection; production of labels, stickers, holograms, proprietary labels.

In expositions usage of the counterfeit goods' samples as comparative exhibits is admitted.

The financing of the exhibition - forum is supposed to be carried out at the expense of exhibitors and sponsor's support.

The coordination of preparation activity of the exhibition - forum is carried out by organizing committee formed from among representatives of Federal assembly of the Russian Federation, ministries, departments, associations of the manufacturers of the goods and public organizations, and also "VDENH-Expo" company.

Currently the deputy of the State Duma A.Kulikov, and the President of National Fund of Protection of Customers the academician (RAEN) A.Kalinin has agreed to operate as cochairmen in the Organizing Committee of the exhibition - forum.

The creation of committee proceeds.

I would be grateful if You take into account this information at scheduling in 2003, to find possibility to deliver it (information) to the members of Association and representations of your organization, to take part in the First All-Russia exhibition - forum "Regions of Russia: protection from counterfeit".

We shall be grateful, if you inform the solution about involvement in the exhibition - forum, will assign a representative to structure of organizing committee, and also will present probable proposals on the contents of maintenance of the exhibition and the theoretical part. We would like to count on meeting with your representative for discussion of our interaction.

It is possible to receive the detailed information about the forthcoming exhibition - forum, samples of the application documents, having contacted the secretary of organizing committee and managers of the exhibition company on the phone, and also on the site of "VDENH-Expo" c


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