Venue:Moskow, VVTZ, "Novij pavillion".
Exibition will carry out in the context of international Industrial-Technological fair.
Exibition sections:
- Precleaning, cleaning and final treatment
- Chemical-resistant, heatproof and special paintwork material
- Liquid and powder coverings for industrial use
- Chemical convertion coating, flame-retardant coats
- Coverings, applied by immertion in metal
- Organic coverings, enameling and vacuum depositions
- Aerospace coverings, inks, industrial and commonglues, pitches for impregnation of paper and special use
- Equipment for infiction liquid and powder paintworking materials
- Painting lines and conveyors, painting robots
- Equipment for controlling quality of covering
- Condition of corrosive survey of equipment
- New protective coats and technology of their use
- Decorative and architectural paints
- Shio's coverings and coverings for yachts
- Rust polymeric materials
- Metallic coverings with electrolytic deposition
- Metallic coverings with chemical deposition
- Metallic and ceramic coverings, formed by thermal spraying
- Thermal and thermo-chemical treatment
- Raw materials and components for production
- Fire-proof materials
- Autocosmetics
- Cameras for infliction paintwork materials
- Drying cells
- Technologies, materials and equipment for preparing surface for painting
- Licensing of methods and production for anticorrosive protection