Venue: Palace of Sports
Exhibition Sections:
- Crediting:
- mortgage lending
- other credit programs for housing purchase
- crediting for motor transport purchase
- crediting of small-scale and middle-scale business
- credit programs for consumer goods purchase
- credits for education
- credits for rest
- Financial services:
- deposits
- payment cards
- traveller's cheques
- mobile banking
- Internet-banking
- pension and social accounts
- money order
- storage and investment, securities
- bank metals selling
- individual safes rent
- Services for banks:
- credit cards, equipment for their production and use
- bank equipment, furniture
- Insurance services:
- obligatory insurance of ground vehicles owners
- life insurance
- accident insurance
- medical insurance
- health insurance
- property insurance
- ground transport insurance
- financial risks insurance
- credits, investments insurance
- Real-estate:
- rent, sale and purchase of reasidential/commercial real-estate
- property estimation
- ground areas and real-estate abroad
- development
- legal and realtor consultations
- Motor Salon:
- cars sale on credit, leasing