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Festive Decoration. Advertising and Information - 2013

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3rd International Forum of City Festive Decoration, Outdoor and Transit Advertising, Social Projects and New Technologies in Advertising Industry

Date: 16.10.2013 - 18.10.2013 

City: Saint-Petersburg - information about city

Holder: "EF-International", LLC

Topics: Advertising and Publishing Activities, Municipal Management

"Festive Decoration. Advertising and Information - 2013" exhibition news, 18-Mar-2013

Announce: The latest achievements and technologies in the field of festive decoration and advertising design will be presented at the forum "Festive decoration. Advertising and Information - 2013", which will be held from 16th to 18th of October in Saint Petersbur

From 16th to 18th of October in Saint Petersburg in the exhibition complex Lenexpo the 3rd International forum of city festive decoration, outdoor and transit advertising, social projects and new technologies in advertising industry "Festive decoration. Advertising and Information - 2013" will be held. At the exhibition platform the latest achievements and technologies in the field of festive decoration and design of advertising articles will be presented.

The business part of the project includes range of events focused on searching new ideas and making decisions in the field of advertising technologies. The conference "Instruments of Internet marketing for company promotion" will be focused on the main trends in the work with on-line audience and will tell what search engine marketing is and how to analyze the mobile traffic by means of statistics systems. The main event of the exhibition - the North-West international festival of social advertising "MiruMir" will be opened by press conference "Trends of social advertising of the north-west: development strategies" where experts from Europe countries will take part. During the program a video conference with 12 Russian regions and the industry leading specialists will take place, where issues related to condition of the social advertising market in Saint Petersburg and the Leningrad Region will be discussed.

Within the festival a dynamic advertising program is planned. The program will allow the exhibitors and guests to study all nuances of the advertising process from inside. For example all those who wish may take part in making a social adverting clip trying themselves as members of a camera crew such as actors, assistants, lighters, and to pass all stages of filming from script writing to motion picture editing under the guidance of film-makers of the studio "Zhiraf". Companies involved in the broadside outdoor and interior printing will demonstrate their achievements at a competition which is destined to select the best ideas in the field of the printing art. The master class "Formation and promotion of personal brands: an intellectual, a leader, an expert. Typical mistakes of smart people and efficient methods" will become a special gift for visitors. The master class will be held by the director of the consulting company "Triz-Chance" Igor Vikentiev. A part of the master class will be in the form of response to participants' questions, using the largest base of creative individuals and teams of Europe since the year 1979.

The exposition will gladden with wealth of novelties from exhibiting companies. They will present LED modules, linears and searchlight produced with the application of SMART-technology for making signs of any geometrical shape; wireless guided searchlights Aurora SMART Wi-Fi DMX for decoration of interior, parks, architectural highlighting; astronomical and twilight relays and timers; new materials for printing and plastic card production, wide range of post-printing equipment; baubles with hand painting and many other souvenirs.

Being an only event of this kind in the North-West region the exhibition is designed for companies involved in city festive decoration, operators of outdoor, transit, interior advertising, PR-companies, representatives of sector committees and other participants of the advertising community. Statistically 70 % of exhibitors note high performance of participation in the exhibition, it serve as platform for development of strategy and tactics for perfection of Russian advertising industry, and exchange of experiences and views.


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