Петербургский международный форум здоровья - 2025
Металлобработка. Металлургия - 2025

Decor & Gifts - 2006

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The 4th International Exhibition for Gifts and Decor

Date: 04.04.2006 - 07.04.2006 

City: Kiev - information about city

Holder: Ukranian International expositions

Topic: Consumer Goods


Venue: KyivExpoPlaza Exhibition Center, 2-b Salyutna Str.

Exhibition Sections:

  1. Decor & Gifts:
    • Gifts
      Exclusive gifts. Silver. Watches. Ethnic souvenirs. Leather ware. Business gifts. Iron work. Smoking accessories. Hobby accessories. Games and toys. Sport accessories and awards. Picture albums, frames for photos and pictures. Confectionery. Fashion accessories. Home souvenirs
    • Decor
      Fittings. Light decoration: lamps, chandeliers, pin-up lamps, table lamps. Furniture. Pictures, reproductions, tapestry, mirrors. Watches. Statues. Carved items, decorative ceramics, glass, porcelain, hammer work. Decorative candles. Aroma ware and aroma therapy. Accessories for bathrooms. Flower compositions, ceramics, artificial flowers. Decorative textile
    • Festivity
      Festive decorations. Thematic gifts and souvenirs. Masks and costume accessories. Wedding accessories. Pyrotechnics. Internal and external artificial lightning
  2. Name Design
    • Complex design
      Interior design. Complex solutions from design studios, interior and decor saloons. Design accessories. Services. Phytodesign. Aqua design. Landscape design. Master classes from famous designers and decorators
      Competitions among young designers and decorators "new namedesign"
    • Design gallery - museum of novelties and trends of the beautifull things and interior decoration
    • Design stage - master classes, presentations of exibitors, show programs, products demonstrations, consultation of leading specialists

Additional information:
