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Dental-Expo 2004

Attention! The event is over.

16th Moscow International Dental Forum

Date: 14.09.2004 - 17.09.2004 

City: Moscow - information about city


Topic: Medicine and Health Care


The 16th Moscow International Dental Forum will take place in Moscow in Gostiny Dvor from September 14 through 17, 2004.

It will host the 9th Congress of Russian Dental Association, the 13th Russian scientific and practical conference "Dentistry in XXI Century" and international exhibition "Dental-Expo'2004".

Scientific programm will include the most interesting topics for Russian dentists, affecting variety of fields and problems of dental profession. Conference language is Russian, foreign speakers are to use interpreters.

"Dental-Expo 2004" is expected to appear the largest international dental exhibition in the huge region of Russia, CIS and Eastern Europe even in its history.


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