IX Урало-Сибирский конгресс по эстетической медицине и профессиональная выставка косметики и оборудования - 2025
Нефть и газ, химия. ТЭК - 2025

Design & Advertising - 2010

Attention! The event is over.

16th Exhibition of Advertising Industry

Date: 06.04.2010 - 09.04.2010 

City: Moscow - information about city

Holder: "Expo-Park Exhibition Projects" JSC

Topic: Advertising and Publishing Activities

"Design & Advertising - 2010" exhibition news, 18-Feb-2010

Announce: On April 6 - 9, in Moscow, in the Central House of Artists, the 16th Exhibition of Advertising Industry "Design and Advertising - 2010" will be held.

On April 6 - 9, in Moscow, in the Central House of Artists, the 16th Exhibition of Advertising Industry "Design and Advertising - 2010" will be held.

The "Design and Advertising" exhibition demonstrates efficient, nonstandard, creative advertising solutions of the exhibitors in the sphere of design, promotion of products at the sale points, Internet advertising, production of souvenirs, printed advertisements and outdoor advertising.

This year the following companies are among the exhibitors: Begun, Brunnen, Mail.ru, Print Space, Red Keds, Synergy, TGD, Volga-Volga, Umi, 1C Betrix, Alpha Design, Austerix, Bereg, Group of Companies Krug, Zenon, Illan, Interpresent, Kavanga, Kim, Larson Center, Makros Euro, Project 111, Regent Art, SPb Model Publishing House, Charsky's Studio, Technographica, A-B-T Group, and other advertising market players.

The "Design and Advertising" exhibition combines over 100 events in the following sectors: PR-technologies, tele and cinema advertising, web, outdoor advertising, polygraphy, graphic design, POSM, souvenirs, branding and packing design. Such famous companies and advertising unions as АКАР, АКОС, ADCRussia, NPPR, POPAI Russia are taking part in them.

On February 25 and 26, in Moscow, there will be a master-class of Lars Vellentin - the world famous guru in business-branding. For 40 years he has been head of the Department of Communiucations, Branding, Packing and POBM worldwide in the central office of Nestle in Switzerland. He has taken part in more than 50,000 marketing projects of Nestle for all kinds of food and is the author of two of nine corporate company brands.


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