IX Урало-Сибирский конгресс по эстетической медицине и профессиональная выставка косметики и оборудования - 2025
Металлобработка. Металлургия - 2025

Disaster Management - 2007

Attention! The event is over.

1st International Exhibition and Conference on Technologies of Protection from Natural Disasters, Rescue Equipment and Machinery

Date: 19.03.2007 - 21.03.2007 

City: Delhi - information about city

Holder: Services International

Topics: Business, Economics, Finances, Safety, Natural Resources, Industrial Exhibitions


Disaster Management - 2007 would be a platform to attract exhibitors from all over the world and would not only provide the opportunity to tap huge markets, but at the same time allow them to interact personally with the responsible representatives of the industry.

Exhibition Sections:

  • Rescue & safety equipment:
    Cutting equipment, diving equipment, forcible entry equipment, jacks (hydraulic / pneumatic), life rafts, lighting (torches, lamps, searchlights), location beacons, night vision equipment, pneumatic / hydraulic equipments & equipment, rescue equipment, rope rescue systems, rescue belts, safety equipment, search equipment, spreading equipment, thermal imaging equipment, water rescue equipment, winches
  • Major incident management / emergency response equipment:
    ambulance vehicles, bomb handling equipment, barriers, controlled burning equipment, disaster recovery planning, earthquake safety equipment & services, emergency lighting, environmental systems, first aid kit & equipment, helicopters, landing kits (portable), helicopters (rescue / firefighting), rescue boats / hovercraft, shelters & tents, stretchers
  • Disaster relief and assistance:
    Command & controlled systems, environmental systems, land-mine clearance systems, location beacons, minefield clearance, mobile catering, mobile heating & cooling, rapid intervention vehicles, respirators, shelter & tenting, toxic waste clearance, water purification and supply, NGO's, training institutes
  • Emergency medical services (EMS):
    Ambulance vehicles & accessories, burn treatment & kits supplies, decontamination / safety showers , first aid kits & supplies , oxygen & respiratory equipment & airlines, spine board, stretchers, telemedicine
  • Extinguishing systems firefighting:
    Aerial / articulated boom extinguishing systems, compressed foam systems, CO2 gas & extinguishing systems, extinguishers, extinguishing agents, fire blankets, fire extinguishers service equipment, fire suppression systems, foam agents, foam trailers / trucks, halon substitute & systems, monitors, sprinklers & deluge systems, water mist systems, aircraft firefighting, chemicals (fire resistant), coatings (fire resistance), explosion protection systems, safety clothing
  • Communication:
    Communication / radio systems, mobile command systems, radios & pagers, software's
  • Detection systems:
    Alarm bells, alarm detection, alarm panels & accessories, beam, smoke detectors, detector testing equipment, detectors (flame / spark), detectors (hazard / radiation), detectors (heat/ smoke)
  • Insurance companies, training institutes, GIS

Additional information:
