Здравоохранение Урала - 2025 (г. Екатеринбург)
ИнтерСтройЭкспо - 2025

Metal-working. Welding. Engineering tools and tooling - 2005

Attention! The event is over.

the next exhibition Ecology – 2025: equipment, solutions, developments

The 4th Interregional specialized exhibition

Date: 11.10.2005 - 13.10.2005 

City: Chelyabinsk - information about city

Holder: Vostochnie Vorota

Topics: Natural Resources, Industrial Exhibitions


Venue: Chelyabinsk, Engel'sa st., 22 (light athletics manege).

Exhibition's aim:
- demonstration of morden technologies, equipment, mathinery and tools
- stimulation of machine-building market development
- establishment of new business contacts, informing about developments in machine-building and metal-working field

Participants invited: creators of new technologies in metal-working, suppliers and producers of forge-and-press, founding, control and welding equipment, raw-material, проката, metal-rolls, metall-made goods; machines, profeccional and domestic tool


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