Мясная промышленность. Куриный Король. Индустрия Холода для АПК / MAP Russia - 2025

Ecology of Oil and Gas Complex - 2009

Attention! The event is over.

Interregional Specialized Exhibition-Fair

Date: 23.09.2009 - 25.09.2009 

City: Tomsk - information about city

Holder: TMDC "Technopark"

Topics: Petrolium, Gas, Chemistry, Industrial Exhibitions


Venue: Exhibition pavilion of OJSC Tomsk International business centre "Tekhnopark"

Exhibition Sections:

  • Technologies and systems of monitoring and environmental impact assessment of oil and gas production, ecological expertise of engineering projects
  • Regional systems of ecological and technogenic safety of oil and gas complex
  • Investment projects on environment protection in oil and gas complex
  • Safety factor in design, building and operation of pipelines, oil and gas complex objects, forecast and prevention of landslide and erosion processes, other hazards
  • New repair and recovery technologies and equipment, environmentally friendly welding technologies
  • Corrosion protection methods and means of manufacturing equipment
  • Hardening of spare parts
  • Technologies, means and systems of technogenic accident control, shelter belts and structures, facilities of prevention, control and response of oil spills and other environmental emergencies
  • Technologies, equipment and materials for reclamation
  • Technologies and means of neutralization, refining, recovery, and reclaiming of recovered oil and oil products, exhausted sorbents, drill fluids, inhibitors
  • Equipment for tank and rail car cleaning, oil sludge refining
  • Security and safety systems of pipelines, oil and gas complex objects, operational safety
  • Collective and personal protective equipment
  • Rescue equipment and tools
  • Information technologies and geoinformation systems of ecological safety
  • Telecommunications and communication
  • Personnel training, ecological management, education
  • Special literature, regulatory and procedural documents, related to the prevention and suppression of fires, oil and oil products spills, other ecological disasters

Additional information:
