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Education. Career. Business - 2014

Attention! The event is over.

Educational Festival and Exhibition of the Don Region

Date: 03.04.2014 - 04.04.2014 

City: Rostov-on-Don - information about city


Topics: Business, Economics, Finances, Safety, Society


Venue: Convention and Exibition Centre "DonExpoCentre"

The festival and exhibition "Education. Career. Business" is the largest event in the Rostov region for those who involved in education, advanced training, production and trade for education service. The exhibition gives an excellent opportunity to have a look at achievements in modern education on basis of positive changes in the field of education in recent years, and is a business platform for interchange of views, discussion of current problems.

The festival is an annual event, a show of top-priority social programs and a place for working-out of new methods of modernization of social sphere departments.

Goals of the Festival and Exhibition:

  • Demonstration of adoption of technologies and information into the education
  • Show of achievements of educational institutions of all levels
  • Further development and strengthening of interrelations of employers, personnel customers and professional education institutions

Exhibition Sections:

  • Preschool education institutions: nursery schools, kindergartens
  • General education institutions: schools, vocational schools
  • Additional education for children: students activity centers, out-of-school activity centers
  • Elementary vocational education institutions: vocational schools, training colleges
  • Intermediate vocational education institutions: technical schools, colleges
  • Further vocational education institutions
  • Courses for entering higher education institutions
  • Higher vocational education

Additional information:
