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Металлообработка. Сварка - Урал - 2025 (г. Екатеринбург)

SMART EXPO-URAL (Education. Science. Profession and Career) - 2018

Attention! The event is over.

International Educational Exhibition-Forum

Date: 23.03.2018 - 25.03.2018 

City: Ekaterinburg - information about city

Holder: "Interregional exhibition company - Ural" LLC

Topic: Society


Venue: Ural Center for Development of Design

"SMART EXPO-URAL (Education. Science. Profession and Career)" is a unique educational project, effective discussion and learning platform to the professional academic community, representatives of educational, administrative and business-structures, and for the younger generation - students, young professionals.

Educational exhibition and forum in Ekaterinburg is a unique informative site:
- to showcase the best programs in the education system and the development of personality,
- to promote the latest "smart" equipment and technologies in education
- for professional discussions of the teachers, scientists, representatives of business and government,
- for educational discussions, teachers, parents and children
- to explore a wide range of career guidance of pupils and students,
- to demonstrate scientific ideas, synthesis of science with the production and engineering school
- for displaying a multi-faceted system of additional education and education,
- to introduce incentives for harmonious development of personality,
- for making the modern smart ideas in education of the younger generation.

The exhibition "SMART EXPO-URAL" is an exhibition for everyone, who nurtures and teaches, who is growing and learning, seeking knowledge - a modern and aggressively, who wants to apply their professional and creative, for everyone who is interested in the implementation of their professional, academic, creative and life goals.

Exhibition Sections:


  • Educational organization
  • Support of educational process
  • "Accessible environment" in education
  • Comprehensive security
  • Incentives for the harmonious development


  • Training
  • Science and engineering school
  • Special section "EUREKA!"

Additional information:
