Dreams by CPM - 2025
CPM - Collection Premiere Moscow - 2025

Education and Career - 2007

Attention! The event is over.

9th Regional Exhibition of Educational Establishments and Vacancies

Date: 23.03.2007 - 27.03.2007 

City: Perm - information about city

Holder: Perm Expo Exhibition Association

Topic: Society


Venue: Exhibition Complex "Perm Fair"

Exhibition Sections:

  • The multiprofile exhibition of educational institutions of higher, secondary and primary professional training, general educational institutions (schools, lyceums, grammar schools). Entrants, schoolchildren and their parents can get the information on educational services at both state and private educational institutions
  • Fair of vacancies for students, graduates of high and intermediate professional educational institutions, and also for all who wants to take up or to change a job. Professional advice on the choice of education and employment
  • The information about advanced training or retraining, getting post-graduate education, short-term rates on the taxation and book keeping, financial management, audit, prises of foreign language studies etc.
  • Teaching and methodical seminars and review of creative achievements of the teachers - innovators, creative scientific-and-pedagogical teams, and the way children spend their leisure time

Additional information:
