ММЛФ - 2025
ММЛФ - 2025

Education and Career - 2017

Attention! The event is over.

19th Specialized Exhibition of Educationa Institutions, Job Vacancies and Achievements in Education Industry

Date: 19.01.2017 - 22.01.2017 

City: Perm - information about city

Holder: Perm Expo Exhibition Association

Topic: Society


Venue: "Perm Expo"

Exhibition "Education and Career" is one of the most successful projects, which takes place in the regions of Russia. Annually the site is visited by more than 40,000 people. They are interested in getting a quality education and proper formation of his career "trajectory".

In 2017 for the visitors of the exhibition "Education and Career":
- New area on the border of two major residential areas of the city Perm.
- At one time and in one place - all stages of professional education.
- Leading educational institutions of Russia, Germany and the Czech Republic.
- 20 000 vacancies at the enterprises of the Perm city.
- Unique projects from innovative schools "Techno-Perm".
- Tests for career guidance and interactive game "Guide your success."
- 6th Educational forum "Science in education".
- Fun student atmosphere.

Exhibition Sections:

  • State institutions of higher and professional education
  • Private Universities
  • Companies providing services for logistical support, education abroad, supplementary and distance education, educational consulting
  • The centres of qualification improvement, specialized courses
  • Publishing houses, bookselling companies
  • Enterprises - social partners of educational institutions

Additional information:
