Металлообработка. Сварка - Урал - 2025 (г. Екатеринбург)

Education. Development. Career - 2015

Attention! The event is over.

Interregional Exhibition-Forum

Date: 16.10.2015 - 17.10.2015 

City: Tolyatti - information about city

Holder: Expo-Tolyatti

Topic: Society


Venue: Universal Sports Complex "Olimp"

Interregional exhibition-forum "Education. Development. Career" is a unique and major event in the market of educational and personnel services Tolyatti and Samara region. For the past five years, the exhibition brings together leading educational institutions of all levels of education Tolyatti, Samara region and the Volga region.

Exhibition-forum of interest to students, applicants, students, parents, teachers and Directors of schools, heads of professional education institutions, active youth, job seekers, employers and government representatives.

Traditionally, the exhibition-forum "Education. Development. Career" will be held at the same venue as the Open championship of professional skills "Best in profession".

Exhibition Sections:

  • Professional education
  • Career
  • Education abroad
  • NEW!!! General education and additional preschool
  • NEW!!! Fair "All for education"
  • NEW!!! Career fair

Additional information:
