Venue: State Concert Hall "Bashkortostan" (House of Culture "Neftyanik")
Exhibition Sections:
- Education:
- Establishments of general secondary education: schools, gymnasiums, colleges, lyceums
- Establishments of extracurricular exrtended education and upbringing: centers of children's leisure, houses of children's and youth's creativity, sports clubs, musical schools, art and dancing studious, preparation courses for higher education establishments, foreign languages courses
- Establishments of secondary professional education: professional schools, professional lyceums, colleges, technical schools
- Establishments of higher professional education: universities, institutes, academies, systems of distant education
- Additional and post-graduate education
- Specialized and external courses, other forms of advanced training and retraining, programs of individual training
- Career:
- Employment centers and jobs recruiting agencies
- Russian and foreign companies offering employment programs for students and specialists
- Seminars and trainings on job placement
- Centers of professional testing
- Business:
- Consulting and coaching
- Business-trainings and business-consulting
- Marketing and psychological consulting
- Credit programs for education
- Information technologies in education:
- Producers and suppliers of personal computers
- Software for educational process
- Multimedia audio, television, video means of education
- Modern Internet-technologies
- Internet-services; Internet-projects
- Systems of distant training
- Equipment for school computer classes
- Education industry:
- Furniture for preschool and educational establishments
- School facilities, training and laboratory equipment, guidance materials, visual aids
- Sports implements, sports clothes
- Musical instruments
- Clothes and footwear for children, modern school uniform
- School accessories and stationery
- Game room:
- Training and developing games
- Toys and fabricating materials for children's creativity
- Children's playgrounds
- International education:
- Studying foreign languages abroad
- Foreign educational programs of all levels
- primary
- secondary
- higher
- post-graduate and extended education
- Student exchange programs with foreign educational establishments
- Training and reference literature in foreign languages
- New technologies for studying foreign languages
- Sports. Rest. Education:
- Sanatoria, holiday hotels, campings and recreation and retreat centers
- Psychological and medical centers
- Travel agencies offering tours, educational excursions, programs of children's and youth's rest
- Educational tourism, rest during vacations
- Sports and health improving tourism
- Excursion tourism
- Book world:
- Publishing houses
- Libraries, book funds
- Bookshops
- Training, scientific, developing, specialized and fiction literature
- Children's literature