Нефть и газ, химия. ТЭК - 2025

Edu-Music - 2006

Attention! The event is over.

1-st International specialized exhibition of musical educational institutions, manufacturers of musical instruments, technologies of training and various accessories for maintenance of music education process

Date: 25.04.2006 - 28.04.2006 

City: Moscow - information about city

Holder: MVK International exhibition company

Topics: Information Technologies and Communications, Society


Venue: Exhibition Center "Sokolniki", Moscow

Exhibition takes place in the context of Russian Educational Forum.

Exhibition Sections:

  • Musical educational institutions
    • musical schools
    • musical high schools
    • creative collectives and additional education institutions
  • Manufacturers and developers of musical instruments, technologies and equipment for maintenance of process of music education:
    • manufacturers and suppliers of musical instruments
    • manufacturers of notes and of various printed production for music education
    • manufacturers and suppliers of technologies and equipment for maintenance of process of music education

Additional information:
