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E-Home - 2003

Attention! The event is over.

International Exhibition (Systems of "intelligent" home)

Date: 25.11.2003 - 29.11.2003 

City: Saint-Petersburg - information about city

Holder: RESTEC

Topics: Furniture and Office Equipment, HoReCa, Information Technologies and Communications


Lenexpo Fairgrounds in Gavan

Today, when research and technological progress is penetrating more and more in our homes radically changing our ideas of comfort, when our homes are getting more open for competition of new technologies, the determining role of consumers in the formation of the market is indisputable. Today the lead is taken by those who find a shorter way to the consumer, who offer their goods timely, of good quality and for the right purpose. RESTEC Exhibition Company is greatly honoured to invite you to take part in International Exhibition E-HOME.

E-Home - is a market extension, creation of new distributor networks, acquiring new business partners

E-Home - is a widening of business in regions

E-Home - is a possibility of presenting on the market new products and services

E-Home - is a possibility of direct selling to the end consumer

Main Sections:

  • Integrated control systems:
    • automated homes, security equipment - alarm, continuous power supply, security of data transmission and electrical equipment, detection systems, surveying systems, accident alarm systems, fire systems, private/home/information communications.
  • Home electrical appliances:
    • Conditioners. Ventilators. Flues. Air cleaners.
  • Multimedia:
    • TV/personal computers - Internet - online - training via Internet, entertainment - computer games.
  • Home and mobile telephony.
  • Specialized section "Consumer electronics" (Organizer - GRIT Co.)
  • HI-FI and High End equipment.
  • Newest Digital technologies: DVD, SACD, MP3.
  • Home theater:
    • cinema studios, video films and music recorded on CD-ROM, CD-I, interactive television, video and audio to order, LP, DVD disks, records, audio and video cassettes, TV and radio stations, cable and satellite television, accessories.
  • Audio, photo, video equipment and design.
  • Heating appliances and equipment.
  • Refrigerators and freezers.

E-Home means a wide promotional campaign and exhibition coverage by leading mass media.

The promotional campaign includes: direct marketing (direct mailing to the field specialists, total amount approximately 10 000; personal invitations to the heads of Northwest region authorities, consulates, chambers of commerce and industry, total amount of approximately 1000; target distribution of invitation cards, total amount - 20 000; distribution of invitation cards using Megafon database - 30 000).

TV advertisements will be placed during prime time at such TV channels as RTR, NTV, TV-6 Moscow. The exhibition will be also advertised at such radio stations as Europe Plus, Russian Radio, Radio Russia and Echo of Moscow.

Press advertisement cover business and political press, fashionable and trade publications devoted to consumer electronics - magazines Art Electronics, Total DVD, Technopark, Stereo & Video, Salon Audio Video, Audio-Magazin, Telesputnik, Telemultimedia, Modern Home, Hi-Fi & Music, etc (total amount - approximately 70).

The organizers will widely use outdoor advertising such as street-format boards and banners which will be placed in the central prospects and streets of Moscow. Information on the exhibition will be placed on the most frequented websites.

E-Home also means a business program, which includes conferences focused on installation issues of integrated control systems for home appliances, home safety systems, private home climatic and ecology equipment.


Additional information:
