Venue: House of Folk Art "Technik"
Exhibition Sections:
- Oil refining
- Petrochemistry
- Machines and technologies for oil refining
- Plastics and resins
- Tires
- Lubricating materials, oils, lubricants, additives, lubricating fluids
- Oil field geology and geophysics
- Oil and oil products
- Transporting and storage of oil and oil products
- Building of objects for oil and oil refining industries
- Protection of equipment and pipelines from corrosion
- New chemical materials and processes in oil and gas industries
- Control and measuring instruments and automation means
- Production of non-organic chemicals, mining chemical raw stuff and fertilizers
- Polymers, plastic masses, chemical fibers and rubbers
- Paints and varnishes, household chemical semi-products and goods, sanitary and hygienic perfumery, synthetic detergents and cleaning means
- Products of organic synthesis, synthetic colouring agents and petrochemical products
- General mechanical rubber and asbestic products
- Chemical reagents and high-purity substances
- Chemical and pharmaceutical products and medical goods
- Products of microbiologic synthesis, biotechnologies
- Scientific, research, and designer developments
- New environmentally safe, energy saving technologies for production of chemical materials
- Materials, equipment, devices, automation and telemetry means for chemical and petrochemical industries
- Laboratory equipment, furniture, devices, utensil, tools, consumables
- Environment protection. Operational safety
- Special clothing and personnel protection means; plant and materials protection chemicals
- Energy equipment and technologies
- Hydro-, heat-, electric power generating
- Industrial and municipal power engineering
- Non-traditional energy sources and small power engineering
- Purpose-oriented programmes of energy saving
- Resource saving and energy efficient technologies and equipment
- Devices and systems of metering and regulating of energy resources, water, and gas consumption
- Preparation systems for boiler plants and heating networks
- Electronics. Electrical equipment and goods
- Means of transmission of electric and heat power, mode management of electrical and heat supplying systems
- Diesel and diesel generators
- Electrical machines, devices, and apparatus
- Ecology