Venue: DTM Istanbul Expo Center
"Electronist" - Electronic Components, Power Supplies and Embedded Systems Exhibition is preparing to bring together the product providers of the sector with the users and professionals.
The companies that provide the products, services, applications and solutions which are related to Electronic Components, Power Supplies and Embedded Systems will, at "Electronist" Exhibition, come together with an important group of visitors who use these products. During the exhibition which is held in Turkey for the second time within this scope and where these indispensable products that are used in the production and operation of any kind of electronic device will be exhibited, the visitors will have an opportunity to see and compare many different products collectively.
Supported by: KOSGEB - Administration Presindecy of Developing and Supporting Small and Medium Industry.
Exhibition Sections:
- Semiconductors
- Electromechanical components and connector technology
- Embedded systems
- Displays
- Sensors and microsystems
- Power suppliers
- Pcbs and other bare boards
- Passive components
- Ed, eda testing and measurement
- Assemblies and subsystems
- Materials, tools, technological furniture
- Information, consulting services
- Industrial automation systems
- Smart cards
- Hybrid technologies and diagnostic systems
- It and hardware design
- Nanomaterials and nanotechnologies