Venue: Exhibition Center of the Grand Hotel "Zhemchuzhina"
Exhibition Sections:
- Cars, yachts and motor-boats
- Elite decorations and accessories
- Diamonds, hued precious and semi-precious stones
- Collection weapons
- Clothes and footwear of the leading fashion brands of Russian and foreign producers:
- "soft gold" (leather goods)
- author's collections
- novelties in fashion industry
- Furs. Evening dresses
- Sigars. Elite drinks
- Antique and vanguard furniture and interior articles
- Curtain tracks. Fabrics and tapestries
- Elite tableware, glass and crystal
- Antique articles. Pictures. Exclusive carpets
- Lamps. Ceramics. Video systems
- Means of mobile communication
- Modern beauty salons
- Centers of aesthetic medicine
- Banks. Insurance companies. Elite real-estate
- Restaurants. Hotels
- Suite travellings