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EmarketingSib - 2018

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4th Siberian Conference "Effective Internet Marketing: How to Get a Result"

Date: 14.11.2018 - 15.11.2018 

City: Novosibirsk - information about city

Holder: GC "Obuv Rossii"

Topics: Advertising and Publishing Activities, Information Technologies and Communications


In 2018, the fourth conference from Obuv Russia Conference and e Commerce club "Siberia" will be held, which will discuss the tools of Internet promotion, new features and trends of Internet marketing. Leading experts will hold lectures and master classes and share their experience on projects in the Internet environment.

Key issues of the conference:

  • What new trends / technologies / tools in online promotion are relevant now, and what will work effectively in 2019?
  • Social media, blogosphere, messengers: what's new?
  • How to preserve the humanity of the brand in the era of automation?
  • UI and UX: what to focus on?
  • What is predictive Analytics and how does it affect conversions?
  • Content marketing: how to communicate information to the consumer in simple language?
  • Generation Z: behavior model and how to take it into account in marketing campaigns?
  • How to effectively combine online and offline, how to plan advertising campaigns, which channels to choose, how to allocate budgets?

Additional information:
