Exhibition Sections:
- Electric power (production of electric power, hydro, thermo, heat and other power stations, gas and steam turbines, equipment for power stations)
- Transmission, distribution of electric power; transformers, cables and wires, regulating and measuring equipment and other equipment
- Accident prevention
- Lighting devices and industrial electric equipment
- Gas supply systems, meters and gas distributors, control equipment; insulants for premises and pipes, industrially insulated pipes
- Heat and power system, heating systems, boilers, thermal boards, burners, heat and water consumption meters, valves, pipelines, heaters
- Pumps, thermocompressor, recycling of heat devices
- Ventilation, air conditioning, refrigerating and freezing equipment
- Local and alternative power resources
- Technologies of water treatment
- Energy saving technologies and equipment
- Industrial automatics
- Oil, oil products
- Machines, machine tools and tools for energy equipment repair and reconstruction