Venue: Arena "Erofei"
Goals and Objectives of the Exhibition:
- Promotion of energy efficient and resource saving technologies and equipment to enterprises of various industries
- Extension and strengthening of interregional business cooperation contributing to dynamic development of the industry and the entire Far East region
- Extension of regional markets for energy equipment, present technical know-how and exchange of experience
Exhibition Sections:
- Electric power, thermal energy, hydropower, small and renewable energy
- Power engineering: turbine, boilers, boiler plants, diesel engines, compressors
- Electrical equipment
- System of electricity, heat and gas supply
- Equipment for housing and communal services
- Energy-efficient and energy-saving technologies and equipment
- Alternative energy
- Safety of power facilities and ecological safety
- Automation:
- integrated automation system, monitoring systems, safety equipment, automation of warehouse and retail space
- signaling system
- systems of control and diagnostics of industrial equipment
- Security:
- design, manufacture and maintenance of security systems, surveillance, alarms, CCTV, communication, alarm
- fire safety
- protection of residential and industrial buildings
- information security
- Communication:
- means and systems of all types of communication
- IT systems and equipment
- software
- local, corporate and global networks
- Internet: services of providers, web-hosting, creating and maintaining web services, web design