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Russian Far East Energy Projects - 2003

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The 5th International Investment Forum

Date: 16.09.2003 - 17.09.2003 

City: Khabarovsk - information about city

Holder: The Khabarovsky Krai Government

Topics: Natural Resources, Industrial Exhibitions, Sport, Tourism, Hobbies and Entertainments, Automobiles, Storage, Transport, Logistics and Transportation


The 5th International Investment Forum "Russian Far East Energy Projects: Problems of Interregional and International Cooperation. Cross-border Cooperation as a Form of the Far East Integration into North-East Asia" will take place in Khabarovsk, Russia in September 16-17, 2003.

The Khabarovsky Krai Government under the aegis of the Russian National Committee for Pacific Economic Cooperation (RNCPEC) conducts the Forum, with the support of the President and Government of the Russian Federation. The Forum was proceeded by the International Investment Conferences which were held annually in Khabarovsk since 1996.

The officials from Russian Federal and Regional authorities, the heads of regional and local governments, representatives of academia and business circles of the Russian Federation and Asia Pacific countries are expected to participate in this forum.

The forthcoming International Investment Forum is going to highlight the presentation and discussion of the projects on development of cooperation between the Russian Far East and Northern East Asia countries.

The Forum will consist of plenary sessions and work in following sections: power engineering, wood processing, cross-borders and trading zones, tourism.

Considering this, we have the honor to invite business representatives to participate in the International Investment Forum "Russian Far East Energy Projects: Problems of Interregional and International Cooperation. Cross-border Cooperation as a Form of the Far East Integration into North-East Asia".


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