Venue: Ekaterinburg, The Palace of Sports "Uralochka", Eremin street, 10.
Exhibition Sections:
- Technologies and equipment for rational usage and regeneration of energy
- Equipping of central and individual thermal points, heating lead-in and guard commander nets
- Station, mobile-moduling and roofing-and boiler
- Energyeffective devices of small "independent" energetics, mini-heating stations, alternative energy sources
- Energy efficient pots on hard, liquid or gas fuel, burners
- Technologies and equipment for preventing of scum, clearing of heat exchangers, thermonets, boiler equipmetnt
- Systems and equipment for heat supply of living, public and industrial buildings
- New tubing systems for heating and hot water-supply
- Equipment and technologies for effective gas-use
- Equipping of read station for thermo-energ and industrial water
- Measuring technics, control, regulation and managing means
- Building materials and costructions with good thermoprotecting behaviour
- Equipment and effective technologies of manufacturing, distribution and transfering of electroenergy
- Electrotechnical and electrotechnological equipment. Regulated electric drives
- Systems of continuity of energy service
- Cabel-and-conducting production and cabel heating systems
- Energysaving on transport