Venue: Manege of the hippodrom "Akbuzat"
Exhibition Sections:
- Equipment for energy saving
- Autonomous systems of heat and energy saving
- Electricity saving rectifying installations
- Energy efficient systems, electrical machinery and appliances, allowing energy saving
- Energy efficient technologies and energy saving in building, industrial complex and municipal services
- Energy saving houses building
- Energy efficient house:
- energy efficient projects
- fronts heat-proofing
- heat-proofing materials
- systems of management and automation of energy saving
- energy utilization
- Energy management, energy audit
- Control instrumentation, gas analysers
- Energy efficient boilers running on solid, liquid, gaseous fuel, burners
- Alternative electric power sources:
- bioenergy engineering
- wind power engineering
- hydrogen power engineering
- geothermal power engineering
- small-scale hydro power engineering
- solar power engineering
- Secondury use of energy resources
- Reconstruction and technical reequipment of Heat- and Hydro-Power Stations
- Resources saving systems for environmental purpose