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IX Урало-Сибирский конгресс по эстетической медицине и профессиональная выставка косметики и оборудования - 2025

Surface Engineering - 2007

Attention! The event is over.

3rd Specialized Exhibition with International Participation

Date: 31.10.2007 - 02.11.2007 

City: Kiev - information about city

Holder: "THW-Expo"

Topic: Industrial Exhibitions


Venue: National Complex "Expocenter of Ukraine", Kiev, Ukraine.

The exhibition is organized by:

  • Mechanician and Technologist Association of Ukraine
  • Society of welders of Ukraine
  • JV Trade House "Welding"

Exhibition Sections:

  • Technologies, equipment and materials for increasing the following service properties of metalware surfaces: abrasion (shot blast, sand blast), forging, cold-hardening, electrochemical hardening, thermal hardening, galvanic coating (nickelizing, chromizing, zincing), plasma-powder spraying, polymeric coating, special coating
  • Industrial painting of metal surfaces (preparing surfaces for painting, equipment and chambers for paint and varnish products application, technology and materials, drying chambers). Surface geometry improvement: equipment and materials, advanced repair technologies
  • Surface diagnostics: methods, control and measuring devices
  • Materials and equipment for insulation and conservation of hardware, corrosion and other corrosive environment protection: insulating materials, conservation lubricant, gel, emulsion, technical washing, equipment for protective materials coating
  • Personal protection means. Systems of waste treatment and air purification

Additional information:
