Education Throughout Life. Entrant - 2015

Attention! The event is over.

the next exhibition Education. Entrant - 2025

Specialized Exhibition

Date: 14.10.2014 - 16.10.2014 

City: Chelyabinsk - information about city

Holder: "The First Exhibition Union"

Topic: Society


Venue: Exhibition Centre "Megapolis"

Exhibition goals:

  1. Support for implementation of the national project "Education"
  2. Development of the continuous vocational education
  3. NGO-SVE-HVE chaining
  4. Professional development
  5. Orientation of the educational institutions towards training of technicians
  6. Promotion of the worker occupations
  7. Demonstration of the latest technology and educational programs in the primary, secondary, secondary vocational and higher education institutions of Chelyabinsk Region

Exhibition Sections:

  • Educational institutions of primary, secondary, secondary vocational, higher and post graduate vocational education
  • Distance learning and educational programs
  • Advanced training and retraining courses
  • Language courses
  • Software, IT solutions, robotics
  • Educational literature, manuals, guides
  • Direct employment of students
  • All-Russian online employment resources

Additional information:
