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Строим загородный дом - 2025

Eurotrans - 2013

Attention! The event is over.

International Exhibition on Transport

Date: 08.10.2013 - 10.10.2013 

City: Brno - information about city

Holder: BVV Veletrhy Brno (Brno Trade Fairs and Exhibition)

Topic: Automobiles, Storage, Transport, Logistics and Transportation


Venue: Brno Exhibition Centre

This new event is built upon the existing fairs Autotec and Transport and Logistics. A new topic of rail transport RAIL-TEC will be added (previously part of the Engineering Fair) and this newly organised trade fair will be highlighted and paid due attention to. Moreover, the Brno Exhibition Centre is an ideal venue for organising a fair focusing on rail transport thanks to its railway siding that leads directly to the premises. The fair will also cover the topic of public transport.

The key conference theme of "Eurotrans" fair will be "mobility" - transport of people and goods and its future alternatives. The fair will be primarily intended for professionals and will be held biennially in odd years, with the first event scheduled for October 2013.

The trade fair is designed as a Czech-Slovakian fair and the cooperation with Slovak partners has been favourably developing mainly in the field of rail vehicles. Based on further ongoing discussions it may be expected that other foreign exhibitors will present themselves in the field of rail transport, too. "Eurotrans" is a unique Central European project thanks to the sector structure.

Furthermore, it appears at a time of increasing interest in public passenger transport.

The trade fair is taking place under the auspices of the Ministry of Transport of the CR and the Confederation of Industry of the CR. The "Eurotrans" project partners include the main professional associations sponsoring the trade fair industries. The trade fair date is harmonised with other sector-relevant trade fairs in Europe.

The co-organisers of Autotec - the Automotive Industry Association (AutoSAP) and cooperating associations - the Car Importers Association (SDA/CIA) and the Association of Importers and Manufacturers of Automotive Parts and Garage Equipment (SISA) also encourage the idea of the transport fair. They confirm that organising fairs which bring together all sectors of commercial transport is the way to go.


  • Ministry of Transport
  • Ministry of Industry and Trade
  • Ministry of Transport, Construction and Regional Development of the Slovak Republic and the Confederation of Industry of the Czech Republic

Exhibition Sections:

  • Road transport
  • Rail
  • Combined transport
  • Transport logistics
  • Public transport
  • Institutions and companies in transport and logistics
  • Road construction

Additional information:
