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Press Release

CleanExpo Moscow - 2015

From 20 to 22 October in Crocus Expo, Moscow, Russia the 17th International exhibition of equipment and materials for professional cleaning, sanitary, hygiene, dry-cleaning and laundry "CleanExpo Moscow - 2015" was held.

171 companies from 19 countries - Austria, Belgium, Great Britain, Germany, Spain, Italy, Canada, China, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Poland, Republic of Belarus, USA, Turkey, Ukraine, France, Czech Republic, Sweden and Russia took part in the exhibition. About 20 % of exhibitors, most of which are Russian manufacturers, took part in this year exhibition for the first time.

The following persons took part in the official exhibition opening ceremony: Anna Olhovaya, Deputy of the Legislative Assembly of Krasnodar Region, honored figure of housing and communal services of Russia; Tatiana Zvorykina, Chairman of the Technical Committee for Standardisation TC 346 of Rosstandart, Ph.D., professor, academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences; Yurii Ryabichev, President of the Association of Russian Cleaning Companies; Galina Logacheva, Vice President of Saint-Petersburg Association of Dry-Cleaners & Laundries; Irina Lubina, General Director of PRIMEXPO company.

Greeting the exhibitors and visitors, the guests of the official exhibition opening ceremony declared that the exhibition takes special importance in such difficult economic conditions as it allows to introduce to experts of cleaning industry new solutions, demanded by time. It gives impulse to the development of domestic materials and production for professional cleaning, sanitary, hygiene, dry-cleaning and laundry, and contributes to the development of both beneficial cooperation between suppliers and consumers. Guests also noted a representative list of exhibitors, including a large number ones from foreign countries.

The high interest in the exhibition 2015 was confirmed by the growing number of visitors by 14 % compared with the last year. "CleanExpo Moscow" exhibition attended 3704 visitors from 25 foreign countries and 71 regions of Russia. According to visitors poll, 41 % of visitors represented cleaning companies, 29 % - dry-cleaners and laundries, 18 % - wholesalers, 14 % - production companies of different profile, 6 % - retailers, 4 % - hotels, 3 % - medical institution, HCS management companies, shopping and entertainment centres, catering companies. Also, the exhibition was attended by representatives of transport infrastructure (airports, railway stations), automobile dealership, warehouses and other companies interested in regular maintenance of cleanliness of the facility.

Among the novelties in section "Professional Cleaning" presented this year exhibitors there are compact floor cleaning machines, room cleaning and disinfection systems, brush vacuum cleaners, ecological cleaning agents and detergents, materials for winter slick road effective control, domestic consumables for imported floor cleaning machines, the newest car care products and other.

Exhibitors of the "Dry-Cleaners and Laundry" section presented samples of modern washing, dry-cleaning and aqua-cleaning machines, innovative solutions for different laundries, the novelties of professional detergents, combined ironing systems, carpet cleaning plants, natural agents for fur, leather and textile care and other products.

"CleanExpo Moscow" is traditionally accompanied by intensive business programme - all the days of the exhibition in a non-stop mode at two areas there were held conferences, seminars, round tables, presentations, workshops and demonstrations by exhibitors.

With a full audience of participants was held conference "Organisation of sanitary-hygienic mode at the food factory in accordance with HACCP principles", organised together with Association of Russian Cleaning Companies. The experts responsible for the HACCP principles actualisation and for sanitary safety at food factories, as well as representatives of cleaning companies took part in the conference.

The Taras Dudar International Consulting Center held a few events for cleaners, where visitors learned how to clean and take care of different flooring, the specificity of professional cleaning of large sports facilities and how to optimise or start up a cleaning business amid the current economic conditions.

In 2015 within the "CleanExpo Moscow" exhibition contest "For the first time in Russia. Cleaning solutions" was held for the second time. The contest was aimed to promote the latest achievements in the cleaning industry, which are presented in the Russian market for the first time, as well as attraction of cleaning company representatives and the industry experts attention to new professional products and solutions. On the contest daily presentations new equipment and materials for professional cleaning launched to the market in 2015 were demonstrated. Summing up and awarding ceremony for winners and nominees of the contest were held on the second day of the exhibition. The product-winners became cleaning equipment from Rosmop company (the choice of Internet users, the choice of expert), and detergent for daily cleaning ClaroLine Pro from Proff Line / Kiehl company (choice of exhibition visitors).

In 2015 "CleanExpo Moscow" exhibition once again was audited by Russian Union of Exhibitions and Fairs, that indicates the public transparency of the exhibition and the objectivity of its statistics.

According to the Russian National Exhibition Rating 2013-2014, "CleanExpo Moscow" is recognised as the "Best exhibition in Russia" in all nominations in the category "Cleaning Services".


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