АЛТАЙСТРОЙ - Горно-Алтайск-Барнаул-Бийск - 2025
Здравоохранение Урала - 2025 (г. Екатеринбург)

Expogaz - 2009

Attention! The event is over.

International Exhibition of Gas Industry

Date: 15.09.2009 - 17.09.2009 

City: Paris - information about city

Holder: Groupe ETAI-UDE

Topics: Petrolium, Gas, Chemistry, Industrial Exhibitions, Automobiles, Storage, Transport, Logistics and Transportation


Venue: Parc d`expositions de Paris-Nord Villepinte

The international gas exhibition Expogaz is held biennially and it is a traditional meeting point for professionals of gas industry.

Expogaz is a useful exhibition for technical specialists as well as for marketing experts. There are representatives of all gas industry sectors, suppliers and distributive centers, transport companies among exhibitors and visitors of the exhibition.

In the constantly progressive market of clean energy the exhibition Expogaz confirms its role as an effective binding platform for combination international demand and supply at one time and at one place. An exhibition is the best place for establishing new contacts, for profitable business, and mutually beneficial partnership cooperation.

The exhibition Expogaz is intended for companies, involved into all spheres of gas industry and directly into oil-and-gas fields operation; and also research programs; exporters and importers of equipment for oil and gas industry; companies, specialized in gas storage and transportation; power and fuel companies; companies, working in the field of environment protection.

The Expogaz forum will give a chance to several thousands of delegates (company's chief executives, top managers, engineers, and research workers) to gather at the 5th European Gas Forum, organized by the French Gas Association (AFG) with the participation of the European Gas Enterprises Association (EGPLA) and French Hydrogen Association. Such issues as gas technology development, competition and protection of environment will be considered during plenary sessions and seminars, round tables will be held.

During 3 days of exhibition and congress the exhibitors and delegates will have a chance to enlarge market range, check marketing efficiency, study the latest know-how in gas industry.

Exhibition Sections:

  • Gas prospecting and production
  • Chemicals
  • Transportation (including sea transport, port equipment, ground and underground storage)
  • Industrial equipment for gas industry
  • Control automation systems
  • Heating; air-conditioning
  • Cogeneration
  • Light and heavy oil fuel
  • Means of standardization, safety, technical and commercial training
  • Specialized mass media

Additional information:
