An enormous variety of products and services, in number as well as in quality is one of
the markers of the security industry. Closed TV circuits, access control equipment, biometry, alarms, perimeter detection,
door and gate automation devices, monitoring equipment softwares, projects, installation and
maintenance of security systems and equipment, shielded doors and windows, trainings,
special locks, special gear and accessories, cables and wires, perimeter protection equipment,
surveillance, transfer of valuables, vehicles, safes, radio-communicators amongst the most
important items. Identifying new technologies is the reason for having 37.60% of the visitors, 19.36% come
to the show, confirming that the public renovation is quite significant. 18.52% come to
enhance and exchange information about the industry and 15.04% are looking for new suppliers,
3% of the visitors closed their deals during the last show and 70.75% did not sign during the
event but planned to close the deals within the following 30 days. The visitor wants to find in one sole event all the equipment and services technologies
available on the market. Therefore, Abese - Brazilian Association of Companies of Electronic Security Alarm Systems
together with the CIPA Group decided to restructure their efforts to have the 2006 fair,
Exposec - International Security Fair, meet all the requirements of the sector. If your company is involved in Exposec 2007, be sure to make your
reservation and show the Brazilian buyers your products, thus expanding your business
Exhibition Sections:
- Electronic security systems
- Alarm monitoring centrals
- Closed circuits
- Access controls
- Security doors
- Security locks
- Identification systems
- Surveillance
- VIP protection
- Industrial intelligence
- Residencinal security
- Uniforms
- Training
- Consulting
- Armoured vehicles
- Safes
- Data security
- Radio communications