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Expostone - 2006

Attention! The event is over.

The 7th International Exhibition

Date: 20.06.2006 - 23.06.2006 

City: Moscow - information about city

Holder: Expostroy

Topics: Building and real estate, Culture. Art. Collectibles. Antiques, Natural Resources, Municipal Management


Committee for enterprise development in construction and municipal economy of the Chamber of Commerce of Russia
Exhibition Complex "Expostroy na Nakhimovskom"

Official support:
Ministry of economic development and trade of Russia
Ministry of natural resources of Russia
Russian Union of builders
Union of architects of Russia

The Exhibition "Expostone" is the main specialized Exhibition in Russia which exponents are the leading domestic and foreign companies and specialists in the field of mining, treatment, processing and use of natural stone.

During 6 years of its existence the Exhibition is dynamically developing - its exposition and participants' number is yearly growing by 20-25%.

Exhibition Sections:

  • Latest modern technologies
  • Equipment and tools for the stone processing industry
  • Diversity of natural stone and remarkable its products

During the Exhibition will be organized: The scientific-practical Conference, seminars, "Round tables", presentations of companies.


Additional information:
