Здравоохранение Сибири - 2025
IX Урало-Сибирский конгресс по эстетической медицине и профессиональная выставка косметики и оборудования - 2025

Industry of Stone - 2018

Attention! The event is over.

19th International Exhibition

Date: 03.04.2018 - 06.04.2018 

City: Moscow - information about city

Holder: Russian Exhibition Company "EXPODESIGN MA"

Topics: Building and real estate, Natural Resources, Industrial Exhibitions


Venue: VDNH

The Exhibition provides the influential meeting platform for companies from Russia and abroad that work in the field of natural stone and their clients - professionals in stone, tools, accessories, chemical products, machinery and services for the stone industry, decision makers in construction companies, architects, interior, exterior and landscape designers, restorers, specialists of funeral services.

Countries - leaders in the global stone industry (China, Egypt, India, Iran, Italy, Turkey) are every year present by national pavilions - all this testifies that Russia is recognized as one of the leading countries in stone extraction, processing and application as well as the important world economic sector.

Exhibition Sections:

  • Geological exploration:
    stone deposits expert evaluation, quarries planning
  • Development of stone deposits:
    technology for deposits development
  • Sand-gravels and loose stone deposits:
    technology and equipment for deposits development; production of decorative chip stones, decorative sand and microcalcite
  • Drilling-and-blasting works:
    techniques and equipment, accident prevention
  • Machinery, equipment and technology for stone processing tools for stone processing - diamond, abrasive, carbide
  • Production and sale of unworked stone, blocks and slabs
  • Natural stone in architecture landscape design, interior design and town-planning
  • Facing stone. Facing products and works:
    facing materials made of natural stone; facing works
  • Monumental art. Handicrafts. Gifts and souvenirs
  • Grave monuments
  • Restoration works:
    technology of restoration works, natural stone conservation
  • Care and preservation of natural stone:
    chemicals for care and preservation of natural stone
  • Architectural projects:
    with application of natural stone
  • Warehousing and transport logistics
  • Ecology:
    environment protection, land reclamation
  • Information:
    publications and magazines, specialized Internet portals

Additional information:
